Pregnancy is a time of change in many areas of a mama’s body, and the feet are no exception! Hormonal changes can lead to alterations in foot structure, and subsequently new foot pain. Here are the four pairs of shoes that will help any mama get through her day.
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1. Supportive Tennis Shoes
Supportive shoes during pregnancy are absolutely non-negotiable. For me, that is always going to be tennis shoes.
My favorite daily tennis shoes are the Bondi line of HOKAs and more recently Nike Vomeros. Over a year postpartum, and I still find these to be my go-to styles for just about any outing.
With both of these tennis shoes, I could wear them all day. I also found they were cute and modern enough to carry me through any setting.
I wear my tennis shoes to work, grocery stores, farmers markers — I even wore them concealed under my maxi dress for an outdoor wedding!
HOKA Bondi 8 link:
Nike Zoom Vomero 5 link:
2. Cushioned Slippers
In the last two trimesters of my pregnancy, my feet started to hurt when walking on hard surfaces. Living in a house of entirely wood and tiles floors started to feel unbearable.
That’s when I decided to try this viral style of cushioned slippers. After sizing up, I found these to be essential for getting me through my day. I tucked a pair under the side of my bed so they were the first thing my feet would feel in the morning.
I later found myself packing these along when visiting family and friends in their homes. These even came along with me when I went into the hospital for delivery!
The material is also easy to wipe down and clean, which I would definitely recommend. Especially after bringing them home from the hospital!
Cushioned House Slippers link:
3. Slip-On Tennis Shoes
I became targeted by ads for slip-on shoes in the last trimester of my pregnancy. I finally broke down and purchased a pair of Kiziks after a successful marketing campaign.
I found these shoes to be cute and comfortable, as well as easy to slip on and off when bending over was no longer an easy feat. These transitioned into being a necessity postpartum when heading out the door with hands full of water cups, diaper bags, or baby’s car seat!
I love my Kiziks so much that I bought a pair for my mom for Mother’s Day. She loved them! My grandma then came to town to visit and tried them on. She loved how lightweight and easy they were to get on; she actually ended up going home with them!
I do plan to purchase additional pairs in the future and also think they are a fantastic gift for other mamas of all walks of life.
Kiziks Lima Tennis Shoes link:
READ MORE: Thoughtful Gift Cards for New Mamas
4. Sandals With Arch Support
If you are heading into the warmer months, either pregnancy or postpartum, you are going to want some sandals to help keep your feet cool and comfortable. They’re also a necessity if you’re going to be hitting the pool or heading to the beach.
These Archies sandals are amazing for that! They give great support and are easy to clean with a gentle soap or even some Clorox wipes if you’re in a pinch.
I personally enjoy the light beige as a neutral staple that camouflages minor dirt, etc.
READ MORE: 10 Must-Have Pregnancy Items
Did I miss any must-have shoes? Comment below!
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