The Surprising Reason You Should Be Using a Belly Oil 

There are many reasons mamas should be using a belly oil.  I personally loved using one, so I would find any excuse to continue! To this day, I still take the time to apply moisturizer to my post-baby tummy.  Here are a few reasons why I think you should be spoiling yourself with a stretch mark oil.

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1. Prevent Stretch Marks

The most common reasons pregnant mamas start using belly oil is to prevent visible stretch marks.  

Many mamas have an aesthetic concern with stretch marks.  While stretch marks generally fade after pregnancy, many are permanent to at least some degree. The best treatment for stretch marks is prevention. Using a daily stretch mark oil can help to limit your stretch marks before they form.

READ MORE: 5 Places You Need to Apply Belly Oil

2. Help With Discomfort

The other reason to prevent stretch marks is because the are uncomfortable, itchy, and sometimes even painful.  Some mamas feel a tearing sensation, while others will experience more of a prickly or itchy feeling.  Either way, keeping these areas well-moisturized with a body oil can improve this significantly.

3. Indulge in Self Care 

Taking a minute from your busy day to moisturize and take care of yourself is important.  While pregnancy can be a fun and exciting time, it can also be stressful and exhausting.  If you are a mama who values your skincare routine, adding in a body oil is just a little extension of that quality alone-time. 

4. Stay Acquainted With Your Body 

Your body changes a lot (and quickly!) during those few months of pregnancy.  Your tummy will grow every day, as will some other areas.  By applying body oil daily, it is a physical way to acknowledge the incremental changes you are going through in a way that may be more manageable. 

I found this even extended into the postpartum period.  I continued using a belly oil to help my skin heal and recover after delivery.  The same applied to recognizing and appreciating the changes my body was going through as it evolved into my new-mama body. 

READ MORE: I Compared 4 Top-Selling Products: Here is the Best Belly Oil for Pregnant Mamas

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