Once you have your beautiful babies, you will want to do everything to keep them safe. Sometimes it’s the big things, like securing baby in a safe car seat. And sometimes it can be as small as safely cutting those tiny nails!
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Why Do I Need to Cut Baby’s Nails?
In addition to being adorable, baby nails can be vicious! Untrimmed nails can scratch caregivers, siblings, and even baby’s face. In some cases, babies can even accidentally scratch their own eyes.
You can prevent some of the above with well-fitting baby mittens, but baby will still be able to cut into the delicate skin of his or her palm if nails are unkempt.
Trimming baby’s nails is simply unavoidable.
How Often Should I Cut Baby’s Nails?
Baby nails are often thin, sharp, and fast-growing. Exactly how fast nails grow will vary baby to baby. The best marker is to keep an eye on nails or watch for scratches.
If it helps you to been more regimented, consider selecting a dedicated day of the week to routinely inspect baby’s nails.
What is the Safest Method for Cutting Baby Nails?
Cutting those beautiful baby nails is intimidating, especially for first-time parents! With baby’s unpredictable movements and poor muscle control it can be easy to accidentally cut nails too short or unevenly. Even a napping baby can make unexpected movements.
My favorite tool for cutting baby nails is this nail dremel. It has graduated pads that are clearly labeled for the age most appropriate for use. As baby gets older, nails will gradually become thicker. It is helpful to have multiple different dremel heads in this one convenient set.
Even if you run this trimmer against Mama or baby’s skin, when used appropriately it will not leave any cuts.
This one additionally has a small light that makes it easier to see those tiny nails.
What Else Can I Do to Protect My Baby From Sharp Nails?
While I do feel keeping baby’s nails trimmed is ultimately non-negotiable, I loved using these baby mittens for added protection.
My baby loved to rub/scratch her face, so I kept her hands frequently covered in the early months. The velcro wrist strap helped keep the mittens secure, even with active arm movements.
I think this is especially important in times when you are unable to directly monitor baby, such as when he or she is riding in the car seat.
Additional Tips!
Even with my recommended nail trimmer, I do still think it is somewhat easier to cut baby’s nails while he or she is sleeping or with baby secured in a highchair (once age-appropriate, of course!).
Also, when available, it never hurts to approach the job with backup! It can help to have one caregiver stabilize baby’s arm/hand while the other trims.
You should additionally never underestimate the power of distraction. My baby’s grandparents have mastered this art and frequently tackle her little toe nails while on babysitting duty.
Do you have any other tips for nail cutting, Mamas? Leave them below!
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